Tuesday 27 September 2011

Laziness, laundry, sorting and social security offices

It really has been a lovely, long, lazy week this week, what was beginning to feel like situational enforced isolation now feels like a proper break. I think that's because I've finally decided to accept that there's nothing to be done except what I want to do within this space and, more importantly, I feel that there is something to move towards how ever far in the future that may be. After being goal focused for so long, and loving my independence and the company of others as much as I do, it has taken me this long to redefine life so I no longer feel like I've totally relinquished it all.

I've buried myself in books, Joe's excellent advice for books for Jim's birthday has served me well, he really does have the best book recommendations as far as I'm concerned, and I've even been forced to re-buy some of the books I've left in England, some books just need reading over and over, besides it's a kind of link with my other life which is comforting when Jim's at work and the scariness of this one creeps up on me. 

Whilst I've still not quite attained the heights of domestic goddess the large amount of time I have on my hands has prompted some attempts, and depending on how long it takes for me to get a driving license it's eminently possible deity status may be achieved!

  If you look (not too) hard you might notice the water in this kerfuffle of hand washing is a tad on the red side, now I've been doing laundry long enough to know that red is  notorious for its lack of colour fastness, but this all came from a tiny tee shirt that's been washed hundreds of times before with no derogatory effects on any other piece of clothing. It's my thinking that the super-duper washing liquid, which apparently removes all stains no matter how old, believed my tee shirt was entirely made of stain and tried to remove it. BUT surely hand washing counts towards domestic godhood, even if it is done mostly to relieve the feeling that I'm not contributing.  It is still lovely to watch the washing blowing gently on the line we've stretched around the carport and provided it's not too humid it dries in 90+ degrees really quickly.

Hanging from the washing line, just to the left of the pants, is the pretty wind chime Jim bought me, it's not really been windy much since we got it but it does sound pretty when it chimes. Jim and I, well mostly Jim, are working on a wind chime project that I think will put all others to shame and as it gets a bit further along I'll post some pictures so you can see just what I mean.
I've also been putting the slow-cooker to use, the beef stew these veg went in to was delicious, well to me at least, and with only two of us to eat it it lasts a good meal or two as well.  Shopping has got slightly less daunting too, still slightly bewildering and I know I'm tending to stick to what I know but what I know is gradually increasing so by the time any of you get here I may be able to do more than just a stew of some sort!

I've also sort of got around to doing something I've been meaning to do for years and years and started sorting out the various necklaces and earrings etc that I've collected over the years. It was quite emotional at times remembering where they'd all come from, gifts the boys had got me, surprises from Jonathan, gifts from my dad and even a few things I'd picked up from the floor when my sisters and I had been taken by our parents to the coin fairs they'd go to to sell stuff. It was emotional, but in a good way.

I've sorted into types now all I need to do is disentangle and store them all. I have a beautiful cabinet that Margaret, my sister-in-law made for my earrings and a very pretty jewellery box that Jim made for me and it seems so fitting that all these precious things from the past be stored in precious things made by the people in my life here.

My most exciting bit of this week was receiving a postcard all the way from Mongolia! It made me happy in so many different ways, so proud of all the boys did to make the trip a possibility, amazed they managed to even get across western Europe in that tiny car, relieved that not only did they make it to Mongolia but they made it home again too, but mostly I was so touched that they'd thought to send a card to me here at all!

My biggest news is that Jim managed to get a couple of hours off during the week which meant we were able to go to the social security office and request a number for me.  Doesn't sound like much huh, but I see it as my key to the world outside. Hopefully it will come in the next week or two and I will be able to find out what I need to do to get a driving license and it also means that I can get a job...who'd have thought 6 weeks ago that just the thought of getting a job would be something I'd get so excited about?

Finally, and especially for Lou, some pictures of the humming birds, I didn't bring the right lens with me, the buggers wont stay still long enough for me to catch them and I haven't the patience to stay still long enough so they get used to me so I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get...for now at least.  (I did consider superglue on the feeder where they put their feet but it seemed a bit cruel even for photographic purposes.)
Well hopefully next time I will have news of our crafty wind chime, and hopefully I will speak with you all soon, till then lots of love and stay in touch.

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